Radio Polaris, Radio GKL dan Radio CBS
Radio merupakan sarang komunikasi melalui suara. Sehingga pesan yang disampaikan baik itu berita, iklan, pemberitahuan, pengumuman dan kabar disiarkan dengan suara tanpa ada visual yang terlihat. Di era belakangan keberadaan radio sangat diminati oleh para remaja. Tak jarang mereka menelpon dan mengirim pesan lewat radio kepada para sahabatnya. Tetapi dengan perkembangan jaman, keberadaan radio tergantikan dengan WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter dan media sosial besar lainnya. Namun dengan sedikit kreativitas, siaran radio juga mengulas hal yang viral di beberapa media sosial tersebut, sehingga sampai saat ini masih bisa mengudara seantero wilayah. Demikian kami berikan logo radio Polaris, GKL, CBS FM dengan format cdr, ai, eps, pdf, png dan jpeg. Silakan diunduh.
Radio is a means of communication through voice. So that the messages conveyed are news, advertisements, notifications, announcements and news broadcast by voice without any visible visuals. In the recent era, the existence of radio is in great demand by teenagers. Not infrequently they call and send messages via radio to their friends. But with the times, radio has been replaced by WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other major social media. But with a little creativity, radio broadcasts also cover things that are viral on some of these social media, so that until now they can still broadcast throughout the region. Thus, we provide Polaris, GKL, CBS FM radio logos in cdr, ai, eps, pdf, png and jpeg formats. Please download.
File Description | Format | Type | File Name |
Coreldraw | cdr | Vector | Polaris, GKL, CBS.cdr |
Adobe Illustrator | ai | Vector | Polaris, GKL, |
Encapsulated PostScript | eps | Vector | Polaris, GKL, CBS.eps |
Portable Document Format | Vector | Polaris, GKL, CBS.pdf | |
Portable Network Graphics | png | Bitmaps | Polaris, GKL, CBS.png |
Join Photographic Experts Group | jpeg | Bitmaps | Polaris, GKL, CBS.jpeg |
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